North Augusta, South Carolina

Creativity, Integrity

We at 2.5 Films offer just that. As budding filmmakers we understand that its hard to get noticed whether you are a fledgling talent or business. 2.5 Films aims to find creative solutions to many budgeting challenges.

Who We Are

Joe Morrisseau - Director/Writer

Joe is special effects artist and animation cinematographer who graduated from the Art Institute in 2004. He worked as independent contractor for several studios including Blumhouse, Paramount & Disney as well as a number of independent films. Now he's behind the camera using his creative talents and problem solving abilities to visually tell the best stories he can for you.

David Barefield - Production Coordinator/AD

David is a musician who wears many hats for 2.5 Films. His excellent networking skills and glowing personality make him the perfect “point man” as he takes on several roles as the Production Coordinator, AD, sound engineer, and continuity expert among others. David certainly has real know-how to keep a team moving and motivated.

Current status & how it works.

Since we are just beginning our journey and need to build a body of work, we are inviting anyone to take part in our first projects at virtually no cost. Currently we are looking for fledgling musical talent with original music. We understand that music and lyrics is an art form and respect it entirely, but we are hoping to receive music that is less than 4 minutes in length, with as few curses as possible, especially when it comes to the use of the N word.

If you wish to be a potential candidate for one of these first videos, please email your song (in mp3 format) and include your name and contact information in the body of the email. From there we will begin the screening process. Work submitted will be deleted if you are not selected as a candidate. If selected we will contact you and schedule a meeting.

Please submit your music to

Virtually no cost Music Videos:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: You said “Virtually no cost,” what does that really mean?

A: Although we will avoid it where applicable, there may be places that require a One Day filming permit, maybe it's a great distance we need to travel and we may need fuel money, or maybe it's just hot and we want to bring a cooler. We aren't going to ask for much if anything. We only wish to produce quality work to showcase our talents. You will be expected to purchase a flash drive or other data storage device if you do not have a cloud or other storage space for us to upload the completed work to.

Q: How long will it take before I am contacted?

A: We will try to get back to you in about a week or two depending on how many people submit work.

Q: How many low cost/free videos will you be producing?

A: To be honest we aren’t entirely sure. It would be best that you jump on this opportunity while it’s available.

Q: When you are finished, who owns the video?

A: You do. In exchange we only ask that we can use it as part of our demos for our website, Facebook, etc. No, we will not air it on television, or try to earn money from it through monetization on the internet. If you wish to keep that video for yourself or try to obtain revenue by using it, that decision is entirely yours.

Q: How long will the production process take?

A: Currently we will be working on these projects on weekends. We anticipate a full weekend of filming, and another to complete the post production process.

Q: How quickly must I act if I am selected?

A: We wish to work with people who are as serious about their craft as we are. Please make certain that we can meet in a timely manor and that you have the ability to be filmed at whatever dates are scheduled.

Q: I'm new to all of this stuff, and I am worried that someone will steal my work. What assurances do I have?

A: We've been on that end of Hollywood before, it's an absolutely terrible feeling when it happens. Usually people who do that are discovered for the frauds they are. We are not in the business of ruining dreams. That's why we delete work that we don't accept, and you own the final product. We want you and your work to succeed so you will become clients later.

Q: Back to the “Virtually no cost part,” are you expecting a tip or other stipend for your efforts?

A: No, we will not ask for it, but if you wish to help us with a tip or donation so we can grow, we would be most appreciative.

Q: What about other services? Are they virtually free at this time too?

A: Perhaps, it depends on the type of project and the length of time required to complete it. Please contact for further assistance.